Christie Clinic is excited to offer a new program called Christie Clinic CareSignal. This is a free service that allows patients to easily communicate their health concerns with their provider and care team!

Christie Clinic CareSignal is available to patients with a diagnosis of one or more of the following conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • COPD
  • Heart Failure

This program allows patients to monitor any of these conditions at home with a simple response to a text message or an automated phone call, a few times each week. 

Christie Clinic CareSignal helps patients:

  • Stay connected with your Christie Clinic provider between appointments
  • Easily communicate your health concerns to your Christie Clinic care team via a simple text message/phone call
  • Manage your health by connecting you with a Christie Clinic Registered Nurse when you need it most

A Christie Clinic CareSignal enrollment specialist will contact patients by phone or text message to get started. Please contact Kip Phillips at with questions.